Sunday, September 27, 2009

Projectile Vomit.

Who knew rice cereal could cause such a commosion. I literally thought for a second my child was being taken over. It was like the exorcist. And.. I am not exaggerating.

So heres what happened.

I thought "Hey, Sicily seems to be hungry even after her bottle... maybe it's time for solid food?!"


Rynn and I sat her in her carseat, because we don't use our heads and it seemed like a good place for her to sit at the time. Why did we not use the Bumbo or just hold her... becuase we're IDIOTS!

Anywho, back to the story...

So Sicily is seriously pissed off becuase she's hungry and I'm not giving her a bottle, so i begin to shove the rice cereal in her mouth... which only increases her pissed-off-ness.

Eventually she calms down and starts to kind of dig the cereal and is happy and yea.

Right when i think "This is cool she seems like she likes it"....

KAPOOOOOW!! Exorcist projectile vomite ALLLLL OVER. It went all over her, all over me, and the best part....ALL OVER THE CARSEAT! Which in case you are not a parent or are stuck under a rock in Ugoslavia... a carseat is kind of a necessity. We had to take the contraption apart and wash the seat cover in the wash and rinse off the really awesome cushy stuff inside... kind of like one of those squishy brown things you put on your bed to make it soft. SO needless to say the squishy stuff doesn't dry FOR like ummm hmmm EVER! Not very convenient.

And maybe your saying why didn't you just put it outside over night... and that would be a great idea, except i live in the ya never know if it's gonna rain state of Washington... which by the way... it did. So the next day I couldn't even put it outside to dry because it was overcast and yucky, btw it was sunny for like 2 weeks prior to the incident. Don't ya love that?!

So after that experience i decided hey, ya know what, i think that bottle is just fine! haha atleast when she throws that up i'm prepared for it, and i don't feel like i'm the manchick in 50 first dates that the walrus (i wish i could remember his name right now.. twin help me out) throws up all over, becuase that and this was just foul. NO gracias senor.

So the verdict is Rice Cereal+ Carseat+ 4 month old kid= VERY BAD IDEA!!!